Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Phew - Rough Week!

Well this week has been marked so far (and it's only Wednesday!) with two trips to the hospital!

Trip #1
Last Friday night I started getting repeated quick stabbing pains in the front of my left leg.(Not calf, and not same pain as cramping). It was always in the same location. Well, I didn't think to much about it, but it continued into the day on Saturday and Saturday night, increasing in frequency and intensity. I finally broke down to call the Dr who sent me to the ER to get tested for a blood clot. Thankfully, no clot. The ER Doc thought it could be something horomonal. Weird. Hasn't happened since.

Trip #2
Yesterday (Tuesday), I walked to the Starbucks close to my work with a coworker. It's probably a 1/4 mile to get there on flat terrain, and we took it easy. When I get there I notice a weird fullness or pressure in my lower abs. By the time we got back to the office my stomach was as hard a a rock and I figured I was having a BH contraction. Well, the rest of the afternoon I'd get short ab pains while my belly remained hard. I finally broke down at 8:30 and called the same Dr on call (who sent me to ER on Sat) and she had me go into L&D to be monitored. Of course, while I was there I didn't have any more contractions, so I finally went home around midnight.

So to sum it up, this week has been marked with strange, new pains. My Dr always tells me at every visit to call if I think there is a problem, but since they only seem to want to send me directly to the ER every time (which costs a $100 ER copay a pop), next time I'll wait until I'm doubled over in pain before calling.

Will see the Dr for a routine visit this Friday, I'm sure we'll discuss this week's events in details.

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