Thursday, January 22, 2009

Let the Craziness Begin!

I thought I'd blog this time around if only to connect with other IF bloggers.

Today starts attempt number 3 of IVF, and I'm nervous, excited, terrified and everything else all rolled into one.

So tonight I start taking a drug called Lupron, which from what I can remember isn't that bad since the needle is so small (as is the dose). My Lupron (and a few other meds that I'll be taking this time) was generously donated from two of my fellow Resolve members.

I have to say this entire journey would have been completely lonely and discouraging if it wasn't for my fellow IF'ers. It truly feels like a battle, but at least I know there are a few soldiers out there fighting with me. Reading their blogs, following along on InfertilityCommunity and going to the (ok - only 1 meeting, but hey it was a far drive!) Resolve meeting was really comforting.

Actually it's gotten to the point where a couple of my fellow IF'ers have had success. One girl who I met on InfertilityCommunity just gave birth to twin girls, and the other is preggo with triplets! That's nuts!

Makes me wonder if this works (and I love to think and plan ahead) if I'll be lucky enough to have more than one.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to bloggieworld!!!

    If you ever get sick of the templates here, lots of girls get theirs here:

    NOthing against yours now, of course.

    So happy to see you here Molly!
