Sunday, February 1, 2009

Where O Where Has AF Gone?

I think my body, knowing that everyone is waiting for AF to arrive, has decided to not cooperate this month. It's pretty frustrating since if it doesn't come by tomorrow, they'll push back my stims and ER by a week. I keep thinking its coming and nothing happens. Oh - I'm 99.9% sure I'm not preggo.


  1. I swear that only happens when you are waiting on a cycle. Evil witch.

  2. Humm...maybe your Aunt Flo and my Aunt Flo took a trip together- and I think they stole my ovum. I have been doing the clearblue easy fertility monitor..and I am on day 27 and I still haven't ovulated yet!!!! Obviously-no period!! I on the second "bar" meaning I had the estrogen surge, but no LH surge. WTH!?!?! I am not really starting anything- we are still awaiting the ever elusive test results from my DH's bloodwork on January 9th...BUT I hate it that my body is acting a fool. Maybe your AF stole my ovum- (thereby sending my AF to the North Pole), and then on their way to Fiji they absconded with my DH's lab results! Phew. I KNEW IT!
