Sunday, March 1, 2009

Cramp On/Cramp Off

Well I'm 2 days away from beta (9dp3dt) and stating on Friday I noticed period-style cramping that would start and then stop. This cramping has happened over the entire weekend and I keep running to the bathroom to wipe and see if I notice any red. So far nothing yet - but I have decided (if AF holds off) to test tomorrow morning and the morning of Beta to feel a bit more prepared. Hopefully I'll get the answer I've been waiting for!

Other then that, not to much else happening.


  1. Ummmm- sounds good to me!!!

    I know that on my bfp I did the exact same thing, and it's the same thing that alot of women describe who get bfp!!!!

    I will be checking back on you, meantime hang in there and try to (easier said than done) stay thinking happy baby thoughts...

  2. I have no wisdom or past experience to give ya...just lots of good luck wishes. I love the names. FUNNY!!!!

  3. Sounds pretty positive to me - lots of people who have BFP report cramping on an off and you aren't seeing signs of AF so it's looking good! I will cross my fingers for you that you get the results you're hoping for. GL!
